Sunday 12 September 2010

1. Day 1 - recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

That's meeeeeeeeeeeee. And my lovely friend Gab in the background.

1. Since I was 15 or thereabouts I've had a bit of a thing about bisons. They seem really noble and stoic, both of which are words unlikely ever to apply to me, and thus I admire them. 
2. I have a prodigious memory for pointless things. 
3. As such, the first cassette single I ever bought was 'Jessie' by Joshua Kadison. I was in Folkestone with my nan, shopping while my mum had electrolysis. I was wearing a purple anorak.
4. One of my first memories ever is of the hurricane of 1987 - I was 4, I woke up convinced I was blind as it was my first experience of a power cut. 
5. I always remember my dreams too - this morning's dreams indicate I'm a lot more stressed about work than I thought, as I repeatedly dreamed a conversation I have to have on Monday morning - I have a new job as a team manager, and I'm going to have to get my team to do a lot of extra work. They're going to hate me a little bit. 
6. Although I have a lot of favourite films, many of which are beautiful and poignant and clever, the one I can turn on at any time of the day or night is Con Air. It's amazing. Steve Buscemi is a god. 
7. I know that none of these things are in any way interesting. I just don't care. 
8. I feel a little sickened at having written the above sentence, as one of my biggest pet hates is those really contrived descriptions of themselves people put on facebook and blogs and that - either the inevitably pikey 'Ya love me or ya hate me and I don't give a f***, I just love goin out with ma mates an drinkin ALL THE VODKA YYYEEEEAAAHHH!', or the 'I spend a lot of time on my own, I like to read in small independent cafes where I feel I can be myself and nobody will pay me any attention ... I wear a lot of black and I empathise strongly with Morrissey'. 
9. I do really like The Smiths though. 
10. My other main dislike is poor spelling and grammar from those who should know better. The fact that a lot of people make a mistake does not make it acceptable. This includes The Capitalisation Of Every Word In Facebook Messages And Wall Posts. It just makes you look stupid, and I really don't understand why it's cool.
11. In the main, I basically have a heart of stone ... but I do love a good romantic comedy, and very much want to see Going The Distance with Drew Barrymore. 
12. The last time I saw Jimmy Eat World live, I wept like a small child from beginning to end. I stood at the front by myself, and got some very odd looks (especially when I punched the air and leapt for joy when they started 'Your New Aesthetic': http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTUgpol17lc) I'm still going to see them again this November. 
13. My two ideal jobs as a kid were a) television makeup artist (I really wanted to make the bruises and fake blood on Casualty) and b) Jackanory storyteller. 
14. If I do ever get to read a Jackanory story, it'll be 'How Tom Beat Captain Najork and his Hired Sportsmen' by Russell Hoban.
15. I heart science fiction but hate CGI. I want more people dressed up as monsters. 

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